Thursday, June 05, 2008


almost married

So I clearly fell short on EDIM, but trying to do that and plan a wedding was just too much, so something had to give. We're up in Syracuse now, for two days of errands, setting up, acquiring the proper legal documents and welcoming family. I've been wide awake since 6:30, well before my normal waking hours. Excited and stressed all at the same time. I tried my dress on yesterday and it's fitting a lot looser than it ever has... worrying about every single detail will do that to you...

This will probably be my last post before the "I do" and luna de miel. Had to add a shot from my bachelorette party a few weeks ago. These friends are so good to me... we had a crazy night of dancing on chairs in a restaurant, hijacking a limo, hanging with celebs (okay, just spotting them), dancing till 3-something a.m., and more things not appropriate to share with the internets.

So far the most fun parts of this whole wedding thing have been these girls-only rituals: dress shopping with my mom and Jen, assembling invitations, getting "showered" with love, and partying like obnoxious rock stars. I'm sure there's lots more good times to come in the next few days.

Cross your fingers for good weather!

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